
What is the Difference Between a Bankruptcy...

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
In Canada, consumer proposals or personal bankruptcies must be administered by a licensed bankruptcy trustee. Bankruptcy trustees are not lawyers. Bankruptcy lawyers do not—unlike in the US—administer bankruptcies. If you decide to declare bankruptcy, a bankruptcy trustee must file the paperwork for you.  Read More

How do I Make Sure I Don’t Run Out of Money...

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
Managing your money can be overwhelming when you feel like you’re not making enough. Even the most responsible people with well-established jobs run into money issues. From increasing student loans to mortgage payments to overdrawn credit cards, there are many factors that go into your declining bank statement each month.  Read More

Using A Consumer Proposal For Debt Repayment

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
If you have high levels of debt and are facing the possibility of bankruptcy, filing for a consumer proposal can be one of the best ways to regain control over your finances. Borrowers with high interest rates and outstanding balances can apply for a consumer proposal and begin to get out of debt. But what exactly are the requirements?  Read More

5 ways to save during the Summer Months

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
I always finish my summer holidays with a much lighter wallet then I started with. It can be hard to resist the temptation to spend with and on family and friends, but if you plan ahead, create a budget (and stick to it), and think of money saving ideas, you are sure to have a wonderful (and stress free) summer.  Read More
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