
How to Choose a Bankruptcy Trustee

Posted By  on Jun-07-2021
If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy or for a consumer proposal, you will need the help of a bankruptcy trustee to guide you through the process. It is mandated by the government that a trustee help those looking for debt relief. As such, all bankruptcy trustees in Canada are licensed by the federal government. What does that entail?  Read More

Is Bankruptcy the Answer to Student Loan Debt?

Posted By  on May-24-2021
With tuition fees dramatically increasing over the past couple of years, student debt has become a pressing issue for many Canadians. Students are having to take out large loans for their education, and it can take years or even decades to pay off such a huge sum: about 67% of Canadians graduated with an average debt of over $22,000.  Read More

Debunking 8 Common Bankruptcy Myths

Posted By  on Apr-01-2021
The process of bankruptcy is a troubling time for any business or person. There’s so much information to understand and legal ramifications that come along with every step. This leads to a lot of misinformation being perpetuated, with different ideas and stigmas being associated with filing for bankruptcy.  Read More

Bankruptcy Counselling vs. Credit Counselling: ...

Posted By  on Mar-08-2021
Bankruptcy is a difficult time for you or your business and can greatly affect your financial goals. Expenses and debt add up and, before you know it, you’re ready to file for bankruptcy. What most people are not aware of is that every situation is unique, and filing for insolvency immediately may not be the best solution.  Read More
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