
What to Bring When You Are Going to See Someone...

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
If your financial situation is becoming unbearable and you have overwhelming and mounting debts --debts which you are unable to repay despite your best efforts—you should consider consulting with a bankruptcy trustee. In some cases, you will be able to repair your financial situation without having to file for personal bankruptcy.  Read More

Consumer Proposal FAQ

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
In the world of financial problems and debt solution, just about everyone is familiar with the word bankruptcy, but not everyone has heard of a consumer proposal. When bankruptcy isn’t the right answer, but you definitely need some kind of help, a consumer proposal is often the ideal solution.  Read More

How to Save for a Vacation

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
Going on vacation can cost a lot of money, even when you take a fairly modest trip within the country. The costs of hotel rooms, vehicle rentals, gas, and food add up quickly. If you follow these tips, though, you can start saving money for your next vacation.  Read More

How to Save for Retirement

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
Since people have longer life expectancies today than they did in the past, it's important for families to think about how they will prepare for two or three decades of retirement. These five strategies should help you make the most of your money so you can spend your retirement years enjoying life. It doesn't matter how old you are.  Read More

Can a Creditor Go After My Bank Account?

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
A department of government, government agency, and court-ordered spousal or child support may seize your bank account to recover amounts owed. Other creditors must go through a civil suit and be awarded access to your bank account, otherwise your salary and assets are safe regardless of what the collection agency might say.  Read More

Can a Creditor Go After My Paycheque?

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
It’s absolutely possible for a creditor to pursue repayment through wage garnishment. Unless you have payments outstanding to a government agency, department of government, or court ordered child/spousal support, your creditor will need file a lawsuit to have access to your wages.  Read More

How Do I Deal With My Payday Loan?

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
Payday loans are an increasingly popular loan option for many people. They’re so popular, in fact, that payday loan locations are open in nearly every major city in Canada, promising instant cash so long as you give them a post-dated cheque or other financial commitment.  Read More
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