
5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About...

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
Overwhelming debts, loss of income, and unexpected financial demands can all contribute to a personal financial crisis. If you are unable to repay your debts, and if these debts are mounting, you will benefit from consulting a bankruptcy trustee who will explain all the financial options available.  Read More

What Kinds of Debts are Not Covered in a...

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
Not all debts are erased by bankruptcy. It’s important that you know which of your debts are covered by Canada’s bankruptcy law if you are considering filing for personal bankruptcy, to ascertain if bankruptcy is the best option to solve your current financial situation. Bankruptcy law is extremely complex.  Read More

How Can I Deal With Revenue Canada?

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
If you owe money to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) but cannot pay it, you must take action immediately. Ignoring your debt will simply make your financial situation more serious. The CRA, which was formerly called Revenue Canada, expects to be paid in full, and on time.  Read More

How do Interest Rates Work and How are they...

Posted By  on Jan-10-2025
Simply put, interest rates are the cost of borrowing money. A loan, such as a car loan or a mortgage, gives you the ability to purchase the car or home now, rather than having to save up until you can afford it. Credit cards give you the ability to purchase goods and services, such as hotels and flights.  Read More
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