
What You Need to Know About Bankruptcy

Posted By  on Jan-13-2015
Many people believe that bankruptcy is the best solution for their money woes, but there are a variety of options a person in debt can explore. Bankruptcy will stay on your credit record for several years following your completion and can initially make it significantly harder to get credit until you have restored your lender’s confidence.  Read More

Can a Creditor Go After My Paycheque?

Posted By  on Oct-30-2014
It’s absolutely possible for a creditor to pursue repayment through wage garnishment. Unless you have payments outstanding to a government agency, department of government, or court ordered child/spousal support, your creditor will need file a lawsuit to have access to your wages.  Read More

Can a Creditor Go After My Bank Account?

Posted By  on Oct-16-2014
A department of government, government agency, and court-ordered spousal or child support may seize your bank account to recover amounts owed. Other creditors must go through a civil suit and be awarded access to your bank account, otherwise your salary and assets are safe regardless of what the collection agency might say.  Read More

What is the Difference Between a Bankruptcy...

Posted By  on Sep-16-2014
In Canada, consumer proposals or personal bankruptcies must be administered by a licensed bankruptcy trustee. Bankruptcy trustees are not lawyers. Bankruptcy lawyers do not—unlike in the US—administer bankruptcies. If you decide to declare bankruptcy, a bankruptcy trustee must file the paperwork for you.  Read More
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